Kasumi Arimura & Kentaro Sakaguchi’s “Sayonara no Tsuzuki” x theme song Kenshi Yonezu’s “Azalea” special MV released! First-released main story scene linked · Toma Ikuta, I don’t even know where the “do” is…


Kentaro Sakaguchi and Ken Watanabe co-star in an acting battle for the first time! “Sunflower on the Board” released on 10.31 Super special news released – Movie

Kentaro Sakaguchi and Ken Watanabe co-star in an acting battle for the first time! “Sunflower on the Board” released on 10.31 Super special news released – Movie
Kasumi Arimura & Kentaro Sakaguchi’s “Sayonara no Tsuzuki” x theme song Kenshi Yonezu’s “Azalea” special MV released! First-released main story scene linked · Toma Ikuta, I don’t even know where the “do” is…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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