The ABC TV drama L “Tokyo Camouflage Hour”, in which Kaito Matsukura of the seven-member group Travis Japan stars for the first time in a serial drama, will be aired in Kansai on the 19th (every Sunday…


Travis Japan Kaito Matsukura’s first starring role in a serial drama is “Daily Study”. Thanking the members for their support, Genta Matsuda said, “…

Travis Japan Kaito Matsukura’s first starring role in a serial drama is “Daily Study”. Thanking the members for their support, Genta Matsuda said, “…
The ABC TV drama L “Tokyo Camouflage Hour”, in which Kaito Matsukura of the seven-member group Travis Japan stars for the first time in a serial drama, will be aired in Kansai on the 19th (every Sunday…

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