The drama series “Tokyo Camouflage Hour” will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi (ABC TV starts at 12:10 am on the 19th, TV Asahi starts at 2:30 am on the 18th)…


Kaito Matsukura of Travis Japan, starring in a serial drama for the first time, interviews just before the broadcast What is the memorable line? “Mokkai

Kaito Matsukura of Travis Japan, starring in a serial drama for the first time, interviews just before the broadcast What is the memorable line? “Mokkai
The drama series “Tokyo Camouflage Hour” will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi (ABC TV starts at 12:10 am on the 19th, TV Asahi starts at 2:30 am on the 18th)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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