Summary: The second episode of the drama “Koi wa Mutsusugi ni Sugiru” (produced by Kansai TV, Fuji TV / Tuesdays at 11:00) starring King & Prince’s Ren Nagase (25) will be broadcast on January 14th. .


Is the commotion between Ren Nagase and Mizuki Yamashita to be expected? The drama in which they star, “Koi wa Mutsusugi for the Heir” is too clingy…

Is the commotion between Ren Nagase and Mizuki Yamashita to be expected? The drama in which they star, “Koi wa Mutsusugi for the Heir” is too clingy…
Summary: The second episode of the drama “Koi wa Mutsusugi ni Sugiru” (produced by Kansai TV, Fuji TV / Tuesdays at 11:00) starring King & Prince’s Ren Nagase (25) will be broadcast on January 14th. .

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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