Sung Si-kyung, also known as the “Emperor of Ballads”, will appear on both days. NiziU will perform on the 20th (Thursday) and NEXZ will perform on the 21st (Friday). Prior to the general sale of tickets on January 25th, advance lottery will be accepted until January 22nd…


Sung Si Kyung, NiziU, NEXZ will be guests at J.Y. Park’s Japan performance – Gadget News GetNews

Sung Si Kyung, NiziU, NEXZ will be guests at J.Y. Park’s Japan performance – Gadget News GetNews
Sung Si-kyung, also known as the “Emperor of Ballads”, will appear on both days. NiziU will perform on the 20th (Thursday) and NEXZ will perform on the 21st (Friday). Prior to the general sale of tickets on January 25th, advance lottery will be accepted until January 22nd…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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