An unexpected “desire” was revealed, which confused Kyoko Saito, a former member of Hinatazaka46. □After the host retires… Masaki Hasegawa, a late-blooming popular entertainer Nishikigoi, answers simple questions…


Hikorohi confesses what he wants to do after retiring from the entertainment industry Kyoko Saito is disgusted… “She’s saying some seriously dangerous things”

Hikorohi confesses what he wants to do after retiring from the entertainment industry Kyoko Saito is disgusted… “She’s saying some seriously dangerous things”
An unexpected “desire” was revealed, which confused Kyoko Saito, a former member of Hinatazaka46. □After the host retires… Masaki Hasegawa, a late-blooming popular entertainer Nishikigoi, answers simple questions…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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