The Legend Team includes Yasuto Honda, Hiroshi Nanami, Norio Komura, Tatsuhiko Kubo, Yuichi Komano, Koji Morisaki, Kazuki Hara, Ryuta Tsuzuki, and Daisuke Tada for the WEST tournament. The EAST tournament was held by Yasuto Honda, Masahiro Fukuda,…


Challenge the legends in the Sumitomo Life Vitality PK Tournament! Kansai on February 8th – Soccer King

Challenge the legends in the Sumitomo Life Vitality PK Tournament! Kansai on February 8th – Soccer King
The Legend Team includes Yasuto Honda, Hiroshi Nanami, Norio Komura, Tatsuhiko Kubo, Yuichi Komano, Koji Morisaki, Kazuki Hara, Ryuta Tsuzuki, and Daisuke Tada for the WEST tournament. The EAST tournament was held by Yasuto Honda, Masahiro Fukuda,…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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