In the same competition, Hiroshi Yamazoe will start with a shared seat, Funyao Harada of Dambi Ramucho, Kenta Sakai of Arco & Peace, Daisuke Shiba of Mog Rider, Nobuyuki Suzuki, Jun Komori of GENERATIONS, Snow Man…


Nobuyuki Suzuki becomes the best center in the galaxy | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]

Nobuyuki Suzuki becomes the best center in the galaxy | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]
In the same competition, Hiroshi Yamazoe will start with a shared seat, Funyao Harada of Dambi Ramucho, Kenta Sakai of Arco & Peace, Daisuke Shiba of Mog Rider, Nobuyuki Suzuki, Jun Komori of GENERATIONS, Snow Man…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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