Yuka Kageyama, a former member of Hinatazaka46 and a talented soccer expert, played the role of a detective in Season 2 of Kuru’s “Octo”. He has a wealth of stage experience, including starring in the musical “Peter Pan,” and has appeared on morning dramas…


Who will play the main student role in “Ogami Sensei”? Inferences from the preview video (Takashi Saito) – Yahoo! News

Who will play the main student role in “Ogami Sensei”? Inferences from the preview video (Takashi Saito) – Yahoo! News
Yuka Kageyama, a former member of Hinatazaka46 and a talented soccer expert, played the role of a detective in Season 2 of Kuru’s “Octo”. He has a wealth of stage experience, including starring in the musical “Peter Pan,” and has appeared on morning dramas…

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