Actor Takako Matsu and Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) performed the completion dance for the movie “1ST KISS” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo on the 13th…


Takako Matsu & Hokuto Matsumura’s message to themselves in 2009: “If you work hard, good encounters will happen…” “A miracle awaits…

Takako Matsu & Hokuto Matsumura’s message to themselves in 2009: “If you work hard, good encounters will happen…” “A miracle awaits…
Actor Takako Matsu and Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) performed the completion dance for the movie “1ST KISS” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo on the 13th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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