“Ogami Sensei” Tori Matsuzaka and Riho Yoshioka are in tears as they watch the students perform their tricks at the opening ceremony of Rintoku Academy! | Jaytame
“Ogami Sensei” Tori Matsuzaka and Riho Yoshioka are in tears as they watch the students perform their tricks at the opening ceremony of Rintoku Academy! | Jaytame
The first performance was the singing of Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s “Song of Points” (feat. Sonoko Inoue) by Yoshiyanagi, Mori, Watanabe, Aoyama, Otsuka, and Shirakura. Matsuzaka and Yoshioka are students…https://jtame.jp
*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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