The music video will be directed by Takuro Okubo, who directed “The Fish in Love Will Fly in the Sky” and “Blueberry & Raspberry.” A panel resembling a cathode ray tube television with SUZUKA written on it…


The life of center Suzuka Tomita depicted in Hinatazaka46’s “SUZUKA” reflected in the impactful lyrics…

The life of center Suzuka Tomita depicted in Hinatazaka46’s “SUZUKA” reflected in the impactful lyrics…
The music video will be directed by Takuro Okubo, who directed “The Fish in Love Will Fly in the Sky” and “Blueberry & Raspberry.” A panel resembling a cathode ray tube television with SUZUKA written on it…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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