Ryōki Miyama (25), an actor who is also active as BE:FIRST member RYOKI, and Shiori Kubo (23) of Nogizaka46 co-star in the movie “Hold Me Better Than Anyone” (February 7th). …


Ryoki Miyama performs the theme song for the first time at a movie event starring BE:FIRST members “They’re really good guys”

Ryoki Miyama performs the theme song for the first time at a movie event starring BE:FIRST members “They’re really good guys”
Ryōki Miyama (25), an actor who is also active as BE:FIRST member RYOKI, and Shiori Kubo (23) of Nogizaka46 co-star in the movie “Hold Me Better Than Anyone” (February 7th). …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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