Summary: Ri Mitsuto Itagaki (22) and Hey! Say! The second episode of the drama series “THE TOP SECRET” (produced by Kantele, Fuji TV / Mondays at 10 o’clock) starring JUMP’s Yuto Nakajima (31)…


Rimitsu Itagaki and Yuto Nakajima’s “Secret” suddenly begins in an adverse situation.Will the changes that anger fans of the original work continue?

Rimitsu Itagaki and Yuto Nakajima’s “Secret” suddenly begins in an adverse situation.Will the changes that anger fans of the original work continue?
Summary: Ri Mitsuto Itagaki (22) and Hey! Say! The second episode of the drama series “THE TOP SECRET” (produced by Kantele, Fuji TV / Mondays at 10 o’clock) starring JUMP’s Yuto Nakajima (31)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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