Katsutoshi Sato, Fuma Kikuchi, and Satoshi Matsushima will appear on the February 3rd and 10th episodes of Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation’s “Timelesz’s Qrzone,” where timelesz is the main personality.


All members gather at timelesz’s “Qrzone” and reveal the current status of “Type Pro” and their feelings about the upcoming addition of new members

All members gather at timelesz’s “Qrzone” and reveal the current status of “Type Pro” and their feelings about the upcoming addition of new members
Katsutoshi Sato, Fuma Kikuchi, and Satoshi Matsushima will appear on the February 3rd and 10th episodes of Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation’s “Timelesz’s Qrzone,” where timelesz is the main personality.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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