The official Instagram of the drama “Ensemble” (every Saturday night 10:00-10:54, Nippon Television) starring Haruna Kawaguchi and Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) was updated on January 25th.


Good sound while playing golf… Manami Hashimoto praises Haruna Kawaguchi’s nice shot. Fans praise her for her nice shot.

Good sound while playing golf… Manami Hashimoto praises Haruna Kawaguchi’s nice shot. Fans praise her for her nice shot.
The official Instagram of the drama “Ensemble” (every Saturday night 10:00-10:54, Nippon Television) starring Haruna Kawaguchi and Hokuto Matsumura (SixTONES) was updated on January 25th.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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