It has been announced that Mayu Hotta and Kyohei Takahashi (Naniwa Danshi) will appear in the drama “Ogami Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka. This work is about a certain event that leads to the idea of ​​“Let’s change Japanese education.”


Mayu Hotta and Kyohei Takahashi appear in “Ojo Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]

Mayu Hotta and Kyohei Takahashi appear in “Ojo Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka | Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]
It has been announced that Mayu Hotta and Kyohei Takahashi (Naniwa Danshi) will appear in the drama “Ogami Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka. This work is about a certain event that leads to the idea of ​​“Let’s change Japanese education.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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