On the 26th, Nagano Prefectural Police arrested Yuji Yaguchi (46), an unemployed man from Nishi-Owari, on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with an incident in which three men and women were stabbed to death in front of JR Nagano Station in Nagano City.


46-year-old man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder – Hyuga Keizai Shimbun

46-year-old man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder – Hyuga Keizai Shimbun
On the 26th, Nagano Prefectural Police arrested Yuji Yaguchi (46), an unemployed man from Nishi-Owari, on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with an incident in which three men and women were stabbed to death in front of JR Nagano Station in Nagano City.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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