“All Night Nippon” event where Haruka Kaki and Kazu Inoue also appeared… From TOKYO FM) Principal Komori (Komori Jun/GENERATIONS) and Vice Principal Angie (Angelina 1/3/Gacharic…


[Report] Nogizaka46 Shiori Kubo is thrilled at her first school festival, saying it was a “dream come true”! Haruka Kaki and Kazu Inoue also appear…

[Report] Nogizaka46 Shiori Kubo is thrilled at her first school festival, saying it was a “dream come true”! Haruka Kaki and Kazu Inoue also appear…
“All Night Nippon” event where Haruka Kaki and Kazu Inoue also appeared… From TOKYO FM) Principal Komori (Komori Jun/GENERATIONS) and Vice Principal Angie (Angelina 1/3/Gacharic…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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