Meanwhile, Shigeru Jojima (TOKIO), Shintaro Morimoto (SixTONES), and Joichiro Fujiwara (Naniwa Danshi), who are trying to make the ultimate buns, receive important hints from the “God of Buns.” DASH…


Taichi Kokubun and Richard Keita Kusama try their hand at making cheddar – Iwate Daily News

Taichi Kokubun and Richard Keita Kusama try their hand at making cheddar – Iwate Daily News
Meanwhile, Shigeru Jojima (TOKIO), Shintaro Morimoto (SixTONES), and Joichiro Fujiwara (Naniwa Danshi), who are trying to make the ultimate buns, receive important hints from the “God of Buns.” DASH…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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