G Takashi, a comedian who impersonates Masahiro Nakai, “I will continue to imitate him for the rest of my life.” · So Takei comments on Masahiro Nakai’s retirement, “My heart hurts.” · STARTO, Kimura…


Mr. Shachihoko declares “I’m quitting X” “If you don’t like it, just leave me.”

Mr. Shachihoko declares “I’m quitting X” “If you don’t like it, just leave me.”
G Takashi, a comedian who impersonates Masahiro Nakai, “I will continue to imitate him for the rest of my life.” · So Takei comments on Masahiro Nakai’s retirement, “My heart hurts.” · STARTO, Kimura…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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