Neru Nagahama has been unable to work as an actress since the NHK morning drama “Maiagare!” will be aired in the second half of 2022. Currently airing the drama “Ensemble” starring Haruna Kawaguchi (Nippon Television)…


Neru Nagahama, a “star with unlucky men” whose “time when they met” with a handsome actor who was reported to be in a relationship is attracting attention

Neru Nagahama, a “star with unlucky men” whose “time when they met” with a handsome actor who was reported to be in a relationship is attracting attention
Neru Nagahama has been unable to work as an actress since the NHK morning drama “Maiagare!” will be aired in the second half of 2022. Currently airing the drama “Ensemble” starring Haruna Kawaguchi (Nippon Television)…

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