In the drama, Naniwa Danshi’s Joichiro Fujiwara plays the role of Takumi Sakashita, a “Pride Everest man” who has nothing but regrets about his ex-girlfriend. Fumiho Kato plays the role of his arrogant ex-girlfriend Meio Sonoda…


TV Asahi POST » Shocking end! Azato’s ex-girlfriend Shiho Kato’s “bed scene” causes an uproar in the studio

TV Asahi POST » Shocking end! Azato’s ex-girlfriend Shiho Kato’s “bed scene” causes an uproar in the studio In the drama, Naniwa Danshi’s Joichiro Fujiwara plays the role of Takumi Sakashita, a “Pride Everest man” who has nothing but regrets about his ex-girlfriend. Fumiho Kato plays the role of his arrogant ex-girlfriend Meio Sonoda…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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