In the short film “SUNA” directed by NEWS’s Shigeaki Kato, Ae! It was announced on the 24th that he will be co-starring with group member Yoshinori Masakado.


NEWS Shigeaki Kato, Ae! Group member Yoshinori Masakado and director W starring in the film, “It’s so tense that you can’t believe it’s only 15 minutes…”

NEWS Shigeaki Kato, Ae! Group member Yoshinori Masakado and director W starring in the film, “It’s so tense that you can’t believe it’s only 15 minutes…”
In the short film “SUNA” directed by NEWS’s Shigeaki Kato, Ae! It was announced on the 24th that he will be co-starring with group member Yoshinori Masakado.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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