The main character is Ozeki Kichika (1858-1932), a native of Otawara City who is known as “Japan’s Nightingale” and is considered a pioneer of modern nursing. Kenshi Yonezu…


The first half of 2026 will be “Wind, Scent” The main character model is from Otawara Ozeki Kazu, who was called Japan’s Nightingale

The first half of 2026 will be “Wind, Scent” The main character model is from Otawara Ozeki Kazu, who was called Japan’s Nightingale
The main character is Ozeki Kichika (1858-1932), a native of Otawara City who is known as “Japan’s Nightingale” and is considered a pioneer of modern nursing. Kenshi Yonezu…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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