The third episode of “Detective Tsuda”, a famous project of the variety show “Wednesday Downtown”, was broadcast on December 11th and 18th last year, and was one of the most talked about TV programs of last year…


Miyu Moriyama, the beautiful woman who has become a hot topic in “Mizu Dow” and “Great Detective Tsuda” “Tsuda-san does interesting things, so

Miyu Moriyama, the beautiful woman who has become a hot topic in “Mizu Dow” and “Great Detective Tsuda” “Tsuda-san does interesting things, so
The third episode of “Detective Tsuda”, a famous project of the variety show “Wednesday Downtown”, was broadcast on December 11th and 18th last year, and was one of the most talked about TV programs of last year…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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