From February 7, 2025, Ryoki Miyama, also known as “RYOKI” from “BE:FIRST” and Shiori Kubo from the idol group “Nogizaka46” will co-star, and Hwang Chan-sung from “2PM” will co-star…


“Hold me tighter than anyone else” starring Ryoki Miyama and Shiori Kubo, expressing swaying feelings – Edge Line

“Hold me tighter than anyone else” starring Ryoki Miyama and Shiori Kubo, expressing swaying feelings – Edge Line
From February 7, 2025, Ryoki Miyama, also known as “RYOKI” from “BE:FIRST” and Shiori Kubo from the idol group “Nogizaka46” will co-star, and Hwang Chan-sung from “2PM” will co-star…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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