“Yonino Channel” mentions Yuichi Nakamaru, who has been suspended for “swearing contest” and “like backstabbing”, but fans are unsure about his return due to “swelling”. Smart FLASH · “It’s more impossible than Hitoshi Matsumoto…


At the ABC TV president’s press conference, KAT-TUN’s Yuichi Nakamaru’s return was “nothing has been decided.”

At the ABC TV president’s press conference, KAT-TUN’s Yuichi Nakamaru’s return was “nothing has been decided.”
“Yonino Channel” mentions Yuichi Nakamaru, who has been suspended for “swearing contest” and “like backstabbing”, but fans are unsure about his return due to “swelling”. Smart FLASH · “It’s more impossible than Hitoshi Matsumoto…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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