The release date of the Japanese dubbed version of the Chinese animated feature film “Youzen”, in which Akiya Sano (Aee! group) and Toshiki Masuda serve as the voice actors for the main characters, has been set for March 21st.


Akiya Sano & Toshiki Masuda will be the main characters…Chinese anime “Youzen” special news & main cast released

Akiya Sano & Toshiki Masuda will be the main characters…Chinese anime “Youzen” special news & main cast released
The release date of the Japanese dubbed version of the Chinese animated feature film “Youzen”, in which Akiya Sano (Aee! group) and Toshiki Masuda serve as the voice actors for the main characters, has been set for March 21st.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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