Ren Nagase (King & Prince), who plays the lead role in Tuedora☆Eleven’s “Koi wa Muzusugi” (Tuesday 11:00 p.m., produced by Kansai TV), which is currently being broadcast on Fuji TV, will appear on the 26th on January 23rd. …


Daigo Nishihata said on the birthday of Ren Nagase, the star of “Love is Too Much for the Heir,” “The cake is more luxurious than mine (lol)…

Daigo Nishihata said on the birthday of Ren Nagase, the star of “Love is Too Much for the Heir,” “The cake is more luxurious than mine (lol)…
Ren Nagase (King & Prince), who plays the lead role in Tuedora☆Eleven’s “Koi wa Muzusugi” (Tuesday 11:00 p.m., produced by Kansai TV), which is currently being broadcast on Fuji TV, will appear on the 26th on January 23rd. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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