On the 23rd, actor Miona Hori (28), a member of Motonogizaka46, took to the stage to celebrate the completion of the movie “The Man Who Lost Death” (to be released on February 21st) in Tokyo, and talked about the shooting episode.


Miona Hori clicks her tongue for the first time in her life: “It felt really good” – Kii Minpo

Miona Hori clicks her tongue for the first time in her life: “It felt really good” – Kii Minpo
On the 23rd, actor Miona Hori (28), a member of Motonogizaka46, took to the stage to celebrate the completion of the movie “The Man Who Lost Death” (to be released on February 21st) in Tokyo, and talked about the shooting episode.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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