The first episode of the drama series “Ensemble” (Nippon TV, Saturdays at 10 p.m.) starring actor Haruna Kawaguchi was broadcast on January 18th. In the same story, the popular group “SixTONES (…


Haruna Kawaguchi: Viewers faint in agony at the scene where SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura covers their ears. The voices of “Kyun won’t stop”…

Haruna Kawaguchi: Viewers faint in agony at the scene where SixTONES’ Hokuto Matsumura covers their ears. The voices of “Kyun won’t stop”…
The first episode of the drama series “Ensemble” (Nippon TV, Saturdays at 10 p.m.) starring actor Haruna Kawaguchi was broadcast on January 18th. In the same story, the popular group “SixTONES (…

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