The main character, Tsukasa Kiriki, played by Mamehara, is a man like Murakoshi, a legendary delinquent who was saved when he was young… JO1 Takumi Kawanishi, Naniwa Danshi Kyohei Takahashi, BE:FIRST Ryoki Miyama and others appear. Daiki Sato (EXILE. ..


INI Ikezaki Rihito, Yamanaka Jutaro, and Inoue Sora will appear in the movie “BADBOYS” starring JO1 Kazunari Mamehara

INI Ikezaki Rihito, Yamanaka Jutaro, and Inoue Sora will appear in the movie “BADBOYS” starring JO1 Kazunari Mamehara
The main character, Tsukasa Kiriki, played by Mamehara, is a man like Murakoshi, a legendary delinquent who was saved when he was young… JO1 Takumi Kawanishi, Naniwa Danshi Kyohei Takahashi, BE:FIRST Ryoki Miyama and others appear. Daiki Sato (EXILE. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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