The documentary variety show “Nogizaka Escape. SEASON 2”, which closely follows the journey of two members of Nogizaka46, began streaming on Lemino from January 10th. The first episode of SEASON2 is Yoda…


Nogizaka46 Yuki Yoda & Ririan Ito reveal their feelings towards the group on a trip with the same group. It’s because of the fun days…

Nogizaka46 Yuki Yoda & Ririan Ito reveal their feelings towards the group on a trip with the same group. It’s because of the fun days…
The documentary variety show “Nogizaka Escape. SEASON 2”, which closely follows the journey of two members of Nogizaka46, began streaming on Lemino from January 10th. The first episode of SEASON2 is Yoda…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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