The comic “Itaewon Class”, which was serialized on Kakao Webtoon (formerly Daum Webtoon), has been released as the world’s first movie starring WEST.’s Nozomi Kotaki… Real Sound Movie Club.


WEST. Does Nozomi Kotaki demonstrate his “true worth as a stage actor” in “Itaewon Class”? Expectations for the Global Zagumi

WEST. Does Nozomi Kotaki demonstrate his “true worth as a stage actor” in “Itaewon Class”? Expectations for the Global Zagumi
The comic “Itaewon Class”, which was serialized on Kakao Webtoon (formerly Daum Webtoon), has been released as the world’s first movie starring WEST.’s Nozomi Kotaki… Real Sound Movie Club.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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