Additional cast members have been announced for the movie “Seishun Gestalt Koukai,” starring Arata Sato of the boy group “IMP.” and Miho Watanabe, a former member of “Hinatazaka46.”


IMP. Arata Sato x Miho Watanabe “Youth Gestalt Collapse” Asaka Seto, Naho Toda and other additional cast announced

IMP. Arata Sato x Miho Watanabe “Youth Gestalt Collapse” Asaka Seto, Naho Toda and other additional cast announced
Additional cast members have been announced for the movie “Seishun Gestalt Koukai,” starring Arata Sato of the boy group “IMP.” and Miho Watanabe, a former member of “Hinatazaka46.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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