Risa Watanabe, a former member of Sakurazaka46 and a model, updated her SNS by the 21st. Announced her graduation from the magazine “non-no” model. On his Instagram updated on the 20th, he posted “non-no3…”


Former Sakurazaka46 member Risa Watanabe announces graduation from “non-no” model “Thank you for all the love…

Former Sakurazaka46 member Risa Watanabe announces graduation from “non-no” model “Thank you for all the love…
Risa Watanabe, a former member of Sakurazaka46 and a model, updated her SNS by the 21st. Announced her graduation from the magazine “non-no” model. On his Instagram updated on the 20th, he posted “non-no3…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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