Anime production company Color announced on the 20th that the NHK FM program “Today is a day” will be broadcast. On February 11th, there will be a special program focusing on Hideaki Anno’s work “Sound/Music.”


NHK FM’s “Today is a day full of “Hideaki Anno’s world”” Nogizaka46’s Eisa Ikeda, Kazu Inoue, and Haruka Kaki will appear…

NHK FM’s “Today is a day full of “Hideaki Anno’s world”” Nogizaka46’s Eisa Ikeda, Kazu Inoue, and Haruka Kaki will appear…
Anime production company Color announced on the 20th that the NHK FM program “Today is a day” will be broadcast. On February 11th, there will be a special program focusing on Hideaki Anno’s work “Sound/Music.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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