Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hikaru Takahashi (officially “Hashigodaka”), Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Danshi), Kaito Yoshimura, Sakurako Konishi, Keisuke Watanabe, Ryuta Sato, and Junpei Mizobata will appear.


[Madoka is 26 years old and is a trainee doctor! Episode 2] Madoka worries about the generation gap in work styles – au Web Portal

[Madoka is 26 years old and is a trainee doctor! Episode 2] Madoka worries about the generation gap in work styles – au Web Portal
Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hikaru Takahashi (officially “Hashigodaka”), Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Danshi), Kaito Yoshimura, Sakurako Konishi, Keisuke Watanabe, Ryuta Sato, and Junpei Mizobata will appear.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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