The role of Keiya Uto, the young head of Senagaki-gumi, will be played by Jesse, a member of the idol group SixTONES who continues to make strides in a wide range of genres, from variety shows to acting.


The theme song for the movie “Ojo to Watchdog-kun” is “Barrier” by SixTONES! Preview video and book poster using the song…

The theme song for the movie “Ojo to Watchdog-kun” is “Barrier” by SixTONES! Preview video and book poster using the song…
The role of Keiya Uto, the young head of Senagaki-gumi, will be played by Jesse, a member of the idol group SixTONES who continues to make strides in a wide range of genres, from variety shows to acting.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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