On January 19th, “Yonino Channel” led by Arashi’s Kazunari Ninomiya was updated, and Timelesz’s Fuma Kikuchi revealed the prize he received for appearing on a variety show during the year-end and New Year holidays. This time…


timelesz Fuma Kikuchi is delighted with the large prize he received on the New Year’s special program, “It seems like it will cost about 800,000 yen” – Model Press

timelesz Fuma Kikuchi is delighted with the large prize he received on the New Year’s special program, “It seems like it will cost about 800,000 yen” – Model Press
On January 19th, “Yonino Channel” led by Arashi’s Kazunari Ninomiya was updated, and Timelesz’s Fuma Kikuchi revealed the prize he received for appearing on a variety show during the year-end and New Year holidays. This time…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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