Continued from “The truth behind “The hall was off-limits,” Gen Hoshino’s “pressure to change songs,” and “B'z surprise production”… What was happening behind the scenes at the Kouhaku Uta Gassen that wasn’t shown on TV?” .


“‘Did you see it?’ ‘Sorry, I haven’t seen it’…” Who did B'z Koshi Inaba contact after Kohaku?

“‘Did you see it?’ ‘Sorry, I haven’t seen it’…” Who did B'z Koshi Inaba contact after Kohaku? Continued from “The truth behind “The hall was off-limits,” Gen Hoshino’s “pressure to change songs,” and “B'z surprise production”… What was happening behind the scenes at the Kouhaku Uta Gassen that wasn’t shown on TV?” .

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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