The main character, Amate Yuzuriha (Machu), is voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa. In addition, Yui Ishikawa will play the role of Nyaan, Kamiha Tsuchiya will play the role of Shuuji Ito, and the theme song will be performed by Kenshi Yonezu…


New video for Gundam’s new work “GQuuuuuuX” released, including unreleased cuts! Theme song is Kenshi Yonezu – To-O Nippo

New video for Gundam’s new work “GQuuuuuuX” released, including unreleased cuts! Theme song is Kenshi Yonezu – To-O Nippo
The main character, Amate Yuzuriha (Machu), is voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa. In addition, Yui Ishikawa will play the role of Nyaan, Kamiha Tsuchiya will play the role of Shuuji Ito, and the theme song will be performed by Kenshi Yonezu…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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