However, at the end of last year, “Wednesday’s Downtown SP” (TBS) aired a 2-hour episode of “Detective Tsuda Episode 3: Phantom Thief vs. Great Detective ~The Targeted Swan Song~” starring Tsuda.


When Diane first moved to Tokyo, she was a regular on only one online show…Tsuda’s grandmother told her, “Do your best…”

When Diane first moved to Tokyo, she was a regular on only one online show…Tsuda’s grandmother told her, “Do your best…”
However, at the end of last year, “Wednesday’s Downtown SP” (TBS) aired a 2-hour episode of “Detective Tsuda Episode 3: Phantom Thief vs. Great Detective ~The Targeted Swan Song~” starring Tsuda.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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