Snow Man’s Ren Meguro stars in the theatrical version of “Trillion Game” (to be released on February 14th), and Snow Man’s co-branded program “Let Snow Man do it for you” (TBS) popular project “Dance Complete…


Ren Meguro co-stars with “robber” TAKAHIRO in the movie version of “Trillion Game” with too long limbs… – Chiba Nippo

Ren Meguro co-stars with “robber” TAKAHIRO in the movie version of “Trillion Game” with too long limbs… – Chiba Nippo
Snow Man’s Ren Meguro stars in the theatrical version of “Trillion Game” (to be released on February 14th), and Snow Man’s co-branded program “Let Snow Man do it for you” (TBS) popular project “Dance Complete…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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