Seiya will play the role of “a civil servant who has nothing to praise,” Kawamura will play the “woman who serves fried rice with ankake sauce,” and Nakanishi will play herself as “the person on TV.” Besides them, Masato Yano, Kyoko Saito…


Shimofuri Myojo Seiya, Kawamura Miku, and Nasu Nakanishi guest star in Hikorohi script drama – MSN

Shimofuri Myojo Seiya, Kawamura Miku, and Nasu Nakanishi guest star in Hikorohi script drama – MSN
Seiya will play the role of “a civil servant who has nothing to praise,” Kawamura will play the “woman who serves fried rice with ankake sauce,” and Nakanishi will play herself as “the person on TV.” Besides them, Masato Yano, Kyoko Saito…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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