It was announced in Hikaru Morita, a second-year student, will serve as the center. Morita will be the center for the fourth time since his 7th single “Kyojin Yuki”…


Sakurazaka46, 11th single center is Hikaru Morita, front Yamazaki Ten & Fujiyoshi Natsurin [Formation list…

Sakurazaka46, 11th single center is Hikaru Morita, front Yamazaki Ten & Fujiyoshi Natsurin [Formation list…
It was announced in Hikaru Morita, a second-year student, will serve as the center. Morita will be the center for the fourth time since his 7th single “Kyojin Yuki”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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