In addition to Yoshine, a unique cast includes Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hikaru Takahashi, Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Danshi), Sakurako Konishi, Kaito Yoshimura, Ryuta Sato, Tae Kimura, and Eiji Okuda. The theme song is…


TBS “Madoka is 26 years old and is a trainee doctor!” January 21st episode 2 synopsis Madoka (Kyoko Yoshine) is with us

TBS “Madoka is 26 years old and is a trainee doctor!” January 21st episode 2 synopsis Madoka (Kyoko Yoshine) is with us
In addition to Yoshine, a unique cast includes Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hikaru Takahashi, Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Danshi), Sakurako Konishi, Kaito Yoshimura, Ryuta Sato, Tae Kimura, and Eiji Okuda. The theme song is…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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