Yuichi Nakamaru (41) of the idol group KAT-TUN will resume his entertainment activities from January 3rd, his agency STARTO ENTERTAINMENT announced on the same day. Nakamaru was born in August last year…


“Viewers quickly got used to his absence” Reason why TV is hesitant about Yuichi Nakamaru’s return – Livedoor News

“Viewers quickly got used to his absence” Reason why TV is hesitant about Yuichi Nakamaru’s return – Livedoor News
Yuichi Nakamaru (41) of the idol group KAT-TUN will resume his entertainment activities from January 3rd, his agency STARTO ENTERTAINMENT announced on the same day. Nakamaru was born in August last year…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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