Haruka Yamashita, who appeared in the gravure of Weekly Playboy, is a bright and natural character who soothes those around her. 4th generation member “Haruharu” symbolizes the mood of Hinatazaka46…


The cheerfulness typical of Hinatazaka46. Haruka Yamashita, a beloved senior group member of the 4th generation, “Hinatazaka46 member…

The cheerfulness typical of Hinatazaka46. Haruka Yamashita, a beloved senior group member of the 4th generation, “Hinatazaka46 member…
Haruka Yamashita, who appeared in the gravure of Weekly Playboy, is a bright and natural character who soothes those around her. 4th generation member “Haruharu” symbolizes the mood of Hinatazaka46…

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